Sunday 12 September 2010

Mini Make-Up Spree

I popped into town yesterday with my lovely make up buddy and we went on a mini spree.
First off we popped into Marks and Spencer where I picked up this gorgeous nail varnish from their Essential Colours range called "Jade". It cost only £2.50 and as I had been wanting a green polish for a while now I thought I would give it a go.

I was really quite pleasantly surprised when I applied this.  You need two good coats to create a good coverage as it does not go on as creamy as some more expensive polish's, but it does dry very quickly and boasts "quick drying" and "non chip" on the back.  We shall have to see about the non chip but so far so good.

We then hot footed it down to Boots to spend our £5 off No7 vouchers before they expired.  I needed a new mascara and was instantly drawn to the display showing off the new Exceptional Definition Mascara (£12).  This mascara has a clever wand where you apply the mascara with one side, then use the smaller brushes on the other side to smooth out the clumps and seperate the lashes and then on the tip are some extra bristles so you can get to those annoying lashes that are hard to reach with a regular wand.

The brilliant thing about buying this mascara (at the moment) is that you also get a free eyeshadow pallette.

The colours are gorgeous, very shimmery and perfect for the autumn season.  Yyou can mix and match all four colours (my friend made me up with one eye sporting one mix and the other sporting another haha) and I wore the gold (1st on left), green (2nd from left) and brown (3rd from left) out last night as well as the mascara and by the time I got home there was no smudging or creasing on the eyelids.  

Within the pallette you also get this very cute eyeshadow brush.  I am desperately in need of some new brushes so this was a very pleasant suprise when I found it!
And as I had a £5 off voucher I got both for £7!!  Bargain!

Thanks for visiting
Jenny x

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